Arizona Living

So we moved in the week before Christmas. December was so hot. Not a scrap of snow any where. I lived on the Hallmark network just to try to feel cold, but it didnt work. I drank hot cocoa anyway. The high 70s and 80s were so great. I miss that kind of heat. Then in January things started to bloom because it was 80 creeping into the 90s already. I started to sneeze and our pool got that yellow/green pollen sticky stuff on the surface. Lucky for me I have a pool guy a.k.a. the Hubby. He skimmed it with the pool net and got out a bunch of flower petals. Then put the vacuum on it and the water was magically clean the next day. Now that its summer the pool is in full use. The temps in the pool get up to 90 degrees so its like bath water. My favorite time to swim is after dinner when the sun goes down and high heat of the day is done. Sometimes the desert wind picks up and cools things down, but mostly its like having the hair dryer turned on you in all directions so your dry by the time you get in the house. No towels needed. Desert Air Dry.

Now in July, they call this Monsoon season. Its humid, there are thunder and lightening storms and we get a little bit of rain, but the most spectacular lightening show. I don’t think it qualifies as an actual season if there are only 5 days of storms scattered over 2 weeks. Arizona will take every drop of water that fills the canals and treat it and charge people to drink it. I don’t. Liken most people who don’t have a whole house filter, we filter the kitchen sink because it feed the dishwasher and don’t want to have to clean orange gunk out of the water hook ups. We buy water bottles for drinking and water by the gallon for tea and cooking. The plants are thriving as they are desert flowers that can get full sun and still thrive. Plus Hubby does not rely on me to water them and I am happy to let him and his green thumb tend to them.


Joe has a job as a cashier at a big box store about two miles from here that he drives the Buick to and fro as the family car is insured until he can buy his own. He has had trouble finding a car that can fit his long legs and give him head space. The boy is a tall drink of water. basketball coaches drool, but he doesn’t know how to play the game. He can kill you in Battle field 5 or Assassins creed, but I can beat him at Horse and he is a good 7 inches taller than me. Our summer is cut short this year because they go back to school the beginning of August. So for the first time in his life, Nik gets to have his birthday during school.

We have gone to a few car shows as a family, but Nik and I aren’t that fond of walking around in the sun, so we stick by the pool. We haven’t gone to any water parks because of covid and we have a pool. I really do like the Arrowhead Mall because they have everything from a Cold Stone Creamery to JoAnns fabric store and a PattyOFurniture and an AppleBees and everything in between.