The days before Thanksgiving and the snow is now leaving. It is not going quietly; it will make the biggest, messiest, hard-to-drive-in, slushy on its way out. The temperature is above freezing at a whopping 34 and the rain is coming down hard. The poor snow does not have a chance, just like any car without four-wheel drive or studded snow tires on right now. Good luck trying to get out of the driveway. School is cancelled. The bus driver called at 5:45am to let us know, only I didn’t hear the phone (being asleep and all) so we made the trip to school anyways. I should have had a clue when I saw Mrs. Taylor’s car still in her driveway. She is a teacher at the school and a good neighbor. At Halloween she always decorates her house up and has spooky sounds coming out, then she gives out the king size candy bars and this year she gave out a monster-sized cookie too, fresh baked from her oven. But you know, teachers get days off and have sick days too, so I trekked on to school. I saw a kid from Nik’s class going to school as well, so I just followed the shush ruts to school. We get there and the parking lot is empty and not plowed, the school is dark. So I pull up next to the car I followed to talk to the Dad doing the drop off.

D-Did the bus driver call you?

M-No. I don’t think so, I didn’t check the phone this morning.

D-Well, I guess we have a day off. (Cheers from the peanut gallery)

M-Oh yeah. I get some help with the cleaning! (groans from my car)

We come home and they get to work cleaning. They made their beds, opened the curtains to let some light in, they even vacuumed their bedrooms to try to get back in the good Wii graces, to no avail. I found some kitchen towels that needed to be folded and put away. Even that did not work to earn the Wii back. Last night they both got the Wii taken away from them again. Nik decided to wipe everyone’s license on Mario Kart and erase the brand new race courses we had just unlocked after playing it since summer. Joe lost Wii privileges because he chewed a hole in the Wii remote cover like a teething puppy. I am on the third day of a monster headache and have little patience for whiney crying children who bleat at me.

WCC-When can I play the Wii?

M-NEVER EVER AGAIN. Don’t even look at it.

Now I have to live with the punishment. The Wii is my friend. When they play they forget all about me except when their bellies remind them it’s time to eat. I can get my projects done for the upcoming busy holiday season. Right now I am working on Christmas cards for the kindergarten classes.


Homemade Christmas cards

They will write inside “Merry Christmas Love, (insert Child’s name here). Then I will take their picture with a Santa hat on in a little Christmas background next to a tree and they will have that picture inside the card. The next project is making paper stockings for Joe’s class. I tried having him “sew” it up himself with the yarn, but it was too much for him to handle. So that means I get to do them all, then let them decorate them. The stockings with be for the party at school. Then they will have something to hold all the candy and prizes they win. Back to the crafty grindstone.

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